Woman and male fitness model midsections

Liposuction is one of the most common plastic surgery procedures for adults in all stages of life. Still, it can be misunderstood as a solution for excess body weight. We can see why; liposuction does remove fat cells from one or more areas, after all. While this is true, it is better to perceive liposuction as a body-contouring treatment. Its primary objective is to reshape certain areas of the body so proportions look naturally slim and youthful. Liposuction is a solution for stubborn fat, the spot reduction that we’ve been told for years isn’t possible. Maybe it’s not possible with diet and exercise, but it certainly is with liposuction. Here, we discuss what this procedure entails and some of its wonderful benefits. 

What is Liposuction?

The liposuction procedure is a minimally-invasive technique that can sometimes be performed with a local anesthetic alone. It is performed using a cannula, which is a thin hollow tube. The cannula is inserted beneath the skin through tiny, discreet incisions. It is passed back and forth through the layer of adipose fatty tissue, suctioning tunnels of fat as it moves. The fat cells that surround these tunnels fall into the space that has been created, resulting in a slim, smooth contour.  

The Benefits of Liposuction

  • The reduction of fatty tissue in a given area leads to an enhanced shape.
  • Liposuction can be performed as a treatment for gynecomastia, or male breast enlargement.
  • The results achieved with liposuction can last many years, provided the patient continues to live a healthy, active lifestyle. 
  • Liposuction removes fat cells permanently. New fat cells do not grow to replace what has been eliminated. 
  • Body contouring with liposuction can improve general health by stimulating motivation to continue good diet and exercise habits. 
  • Fat reduction in certain areas, such as the thighs or underarm area, can reduce uncomfortable chafing. 
  • The effects of liposuction are immediate for the most part. Swelling can take a few weeks to fully resolve, after which the final outcome of this procedure is apparent. 

Liposuction is not a replacement for a healthy lifestyle. For many of our patients, it serves as a jumping-off point to maintaining the body they want. To see what this procedure can do for you, contact our St. Peters, MO office at 636.896.0600.

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